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Homework Policy


  • To consolidate classroom learning while enabling students to prepare for the new topic

  • To promote self-learning under the professional design and appropriate guidance of teachers

  • To help students understand their learning progress and issues, from which they could seek ways to solve problems

  • To allow teachers to identify the learning difficulties faced by their students, such that they could adjust the teaching plans and strategies, provide timely feedback and facilitate effective learning amongst students

  • To evaluate students’ performance in acquiring knowledge, mastering skills, and nurturing good attitudes and positive values, so as to facilitate the planning and implementation of the curriculum

  • To enable parents to understand the learning progress and attributes of their children, so as to provide timely support

  • To enable parents to understand the requirements of the school’s curriculum, so as to jointly helping the students to improve their learning

Principles and

time allocation

  • All homework comes with precise objectives and clear contents

  • All homework should complement the progress of classroom teaching

  • Following the school-based homework adjustment policy, homework adjustment is provided for students having special educational needs

  • The daily homework load is appropriate and complies with the suggested daily homework time put forward by the Education Bureau

  • Teachers would coordinate amongst themselves so that homework is not excessively assigned on the same day or before the holidays

Guidance and follow-up

  • When homework is assigned, our teachers would provide proper guidance to students so that they could complete them smoothly

  • Students should note down all their assignments with the student handbook for parents’ daily inspection and sign off

  • Parents should provide guidance to their children so that homework is carefully completed in a timely manner

  • Students who fail to hand in their homework would have the missed submission marked in the student’s handbook. Parents should remind students to resubmit the missed assignments the next day

  • If a student fails to submit his / her homework repeatedly, our teachers would talk to the parents to understand what caused the problem and provide necessary assistance and guidance so that students could complete their missed assignments

  • Common and repeated mistakes made by students will be discussed and commented on in class by teachers. Corrections made will be followed up too

  • The school reviews its homework policy regularly; it also provides suitable assistance to students when help is needed

Support for parents

  • The school would explain to parents clearly about the types and requirements of homework at the Briefing for P1 Parents

  • The school would collect parents’ opinions at the Parents’ Meeting or through surveys and then evaluate the collected information

  • A homework helper’s class for P1 students runs at the beginning of the school year, such that students who require additional assistance could complete their homework at school under the guidance of teachers