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The youngest "Best New Performer" of the Hong Kong Film Awards《The Sunny Side of the Street》

The Schooling Journey of a Young Actor │ My Hong Kong Story

He is a Pakistani-origin primary school student who won the Best New Actor award at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2023. Now in sixth grade, he faces the challenge of transitioning to secondary school. Alongside his studies and acting career, he also balances training with his football team. Despite being assigned to his seventh choice for secondary school, which he considers far from ideal, Linno has found ways to overcome this setback and adjust his mindset to face future challenges.

Inspiring Students' Potential

Quality Education is Recognized

Optimistic and Positive Diverse Development

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STEM and Life

Rooftop Butterfly Garden

Student-Led STEAM Investigations

Expanding International Perspectives

Equipping Students for the Future

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