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Denbigh Community Primary School from the UK

Denbigh Community Primary School is an outstanding school in the UK, having received the highest rating from Ofsted, the UK education standards agency. Their "Thrive" programme and philosophy of nurturing children closely align with our school's "Invitational Positive Education" program. On May 24, 2019, the headteacher of Denbigh Primary, Dr. Louise Guthrie, along with Thrive programme practitioners Mrs. Kristy Bird and Miss Laura Storey, visited our school to understand our concepts and practices in inspiring students' potential, cultivating positive thinking, and promoting emotional well-being. That day, everyone had a wonderful exchange and felt a strong resonance.

They began by touring our campus. They showed great interest in the Butterfly Garden and Observatory located in the rooftop garden. They also greatly appreciated the setup of the school's STEM room and expressed their intention to bring these concepts back to Denbigh. Following the tour, they enjoyed performances by our students and were deeply impressed by the achievements we cultivate during Enrichment Activity Time.

Finally, we shared insights about each other's programmes. We appreciated the design of the Thrive programme and their thoughtful support for children's growth. They valued our Invitational Positive Education program for emphasizing care for both children and their families. Despite being in different regions, we are united in our mission to support children's healthy development. This exchange was like spring rain, nourishing our hearts and bringing joy.