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Wellfield Middle School from the UK

Wellfield Middle School from the UK visited our school for an exchange on November 22, 2019. The visit was led by Vice Principal Lynn Stephenson, along with teachers Linda Bennett and Caroline Kemp, who brought 17 British students from Grades 5 and 6. The British students participated in classes and engaged in a variety of potential-inspiring enrichment activities alongside our students.

We recruited 28 students from Grades 5 and 6 to serve as ambassadors to welcome the British visitors. They cherished this opportunity and gathered information about British culture and lifestyle in advance. With great excitement, they looked forward to communicating in English with their British peers, making friends from the UK, and experiencing "British-style learning" in Hong Kong.

The exchange activities that day were rich and diverse, featuring classes in Hip Hop dance, Chinese calligraphy, Cantonese speaking, cricket, ocarina, and even waffle-making. Everyone actively participated in each activity. We also extended this spirit of sharing to the community, where the ambassadors and British students shared the waffles they made with local residents in the neighbourhood.

In this unique classroom environment, everyone was able to broaden their horizons and enhance their worldview and civic literacy, making it a truly valuable and memorable experience.