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English Language

Our Curriculum

  • The school implements a balanced and coherent school-based curriculum to develop the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

  • We tailor-make a series of writing booklets to build up the writing skills of our students gradually. We also provide adapted worksheets to cater for learning diversity.

  • In the lower primary, we include a systematic phonic programme (Read-Write-Inc. published by Oxford University Press) to help students read, spell and write with confidence.

  • In Primary 3, we include guided reading curriculum. The lessons are in small group teaching. Students are evaluated and grouped according to their reading level to ensure that all students are challenged and engaged in their learning.

  • In Primary 4, we include language art. All students participate in the Reader’s Theatre.

  • We adopt innovative strategies to facilitate teaching and learning. The lower primary is activity based, learning by doing. The upper primary puts more focus on discussing and analyzing.

English Activities

  • Monthly fun activity lessons instructed by our native English teacher (for Primary 1-2 students).

  • Reader’s Theatre - presented by P4 students.

  • Whole-school English Fun Day (game booths and shows).

  • Inter-school Penmanship Competition.

  • Reading Programme.

Useful links

Activity Photos

P.1 Riley’s games

English Day

RWI Teaching